
White Lies by Zoë Markham

publication date: Jan 22, 2016
author/source: Jack Croxall

White Lies by Zoe MarkhamZoë Markham’s first novel Under My Skin was an exceptional YA fiction debut. Now comes the eagerly anticipated follow up, White Lies.

Fifteen-year-old Abby is going through all the normal emotions on the first day of her new school. But Abby’s new school isn’t just any old school, it’s a noble boarding house with a murky history, a student essentially in control (the deliciously conniving Scarlet) and it’s frequented by a red-eyed magpie that simply won’t leave Abby alone. Worse still, a little white lie told to ingratiate Abby with her new dorm buddies kick-starts a series of events that soon spiral way, way out of control.

Markham has a free-flowing writing style that is light, but still manages to beautifully convey intricacy of place, character and plot. It’s what makes her books so addictive, and this is a book that will not let go until you know the outcome.

However, before you get there (and to the brilliant twist) there’s a lot of thought-provoking musings on bullying, school life and teenage health. Throw in a generous helping of Harry Potter references and Markham has got a sure-fire hit on her hands.

PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

White Lies by Zoë Markham is available as an ebook from Amazon.

Jack Croxall is the author of Tethers, X and Wye all reviewed on Parenting Without Tears